SCHERRERindustrieheizanlagen GmbH
In accordance with §28 BDSG I contradict to any kind of commercial use and passing on of my data.
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The imprint is only valid for the internet presence under the adress
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Supplier: SCHERRER industrieheizanlagen GmbH
Registered under: HRB 31966 Landau
Responsible person to contact: Karl B. Jäger
Beethovenstr. 4, D-76863 Herxheim, Germany
E-mail address

Rapid and direct communication
Phone +49 7276 919 200
Fax +49 7276 919 201
Tax identification number
DE 307 873 304
The used text and picture material of may not be reproduced�in any form�without written authorization or processed, copied and sold by use of electronic systems inlcuding the source text of these pages. Scherrer Industrieheizanlagen cannot be held liable for the contents of this website. Responsibility for external contents of hyperlinks lay within the respective offerer.
Copyright and Using
The copyright admits you concretely the right of using and doing a privat copy for personal use but you are not allowed to change, transfer or even publish materials yourself. If not particulary expressed the copyright for words and most illustration is by SCHERRER industrieheizanlagen e.K.
Data Protection
Personal data are only established with your knowledge and your agreement. In case of request you'll receive information free of charge about your accumulated personal data. Please contact therefore Mr. J.K. Scherrer.
No Responsibility Clause
The contents of this websites were checked carefully and maid out with best knowledge without the demand on completeness, quality and rightness. There cannot be taken responsibility for any damage or harm which is due by trusting on the contents of this website or its use.
Offending Protection Law
If you ever assume that one of your protection rights is offended by this website lease contact us immediately by e-mail to be able that remedial action can be taken rapidly. Please note: a lawyers intervention which would take a lot of time does not correspond to the supplier's real or presumed intention.
concept, layout und realisation of this website
Wolf Ware GmbH
SCHERRER Industrieheizanlagen
Beethovenstr. 4
D-76863 Herxheim
Phone: +49.7276.919 200
Fax: +49.7276.919 201
Beethovenstr. 4
D-76863 Herxheim
Phone: +49.7276.919 200
Fax: +49.7276.919 201
